There’s a lot of content available online for free on topics like Research Writing, Publication, Funding, Career Development, etc. However, blog articles and videos cannot provide as much depth and recall as R Upskill programs, which are based on 18+ years of editorial excellence and a deep understanding of researchers’ challenges through interactions with over a million researchers. 


R Upskill programs have been designed by or curated from experienced researchers who have flourished in their field or instructors with decades of experience coaching researchers. The content is delivered in well-structured programs and supplemented with practical examples, expert tips, easy templates or handy checklists to ensure quality learning. Each program also includes quizzes and assessments to test if the concepts have been effectively understood so it can be successfully applied in one’s daily work. Most of all, keeping in mind a researcher’s busy schedule, our programs are broken down into micro-modules to help you master new skills every day.